
MY SISTER'S BDAY is coming up...ipod touch?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy it for her, but i want opinions first.


Where/how can you use the internet?




  1. yea do it!!!! youll be the best sister in the world!!! using the internet.... you should just try googling it... thats how i found out about everything for my ipod....

    if you check on apple website they will tell you the whole detail about internet

    Basically it's wi-fi, it means that if you anywhere or your home has wireless airport, when you open up your internet, it will ask you to connect which network and once it's connected, it would work

    but not all of them it will, like i got into my school airport but it doesn't work because they have settings that need to be enter, unlike my homes one i don't have any restrictions or settings so once you connect to your network, it should work

    and no, you don't have to pay for your internet. it's just a ipod that can connects to the internet same way as computer does but not as efficient

    just stole that from sumones answer in another question...

  2. hun, ipod touch can go on local internet as long as you set it up correctly on your wireless router.

    it can't go on internet like 3G iphone can be online anywhere cuz it uses satelite.  ipod can only get on Local wireless internet (such as your home, starbucks, etc)

    u are so sweet buying her ipod touch, she will love it.

    i got iPhone yesterday.. i can't stop looking at it..

  3. yes, get it for her, she will like it. I have one and i pretty much love it

  4. Great Buy. You can also buy an update for the ipod touch that lets it act like an iphone other then the ability to call. you can add applications and everything. Great gift idea

  5. I own one and it's great! There's a lot of features.

    You can only use the internet if you have a Wi-Fi connection. You have to be able to join the Wi-Fi network, so if there's a password to join and you don't know it, you can't get on.  

  6. I-pod touch is great! A lot of features. Your sister will like it.

    I own one and its great!

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