
MY SISTERS FRIEND!!! is this weird?

by  |  earlier

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well i am 15 but turn 16 in 2 weeks

and my sister is nearly 18 and so is her friend.

my sisters friend is a guy and he is really nice and recently i went on a school camp with him and i started to really like him!

my sister has lots of guy friends and its nothing more than that, but would it be weird if we went out?

im not saying we would because i don't know how he feels but if he liked me...

also, it is just a silly joke, but my sister and him have a little joke that they are going to get married when they are older and so he calls me future sister in law

even though they are just being dumb, would this make it more awkward?

honest opinions please!

thanks heaps =]




  1. You need to find your own boyfriends and leave your sisters alone. That's just asking for trouble.

  2. I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself :)

    Give it some time and try to find out how he feels, then go from there. Don't stress, just let things happen on their own.  

  3. maybe he and your sister really care for each other, but they haven't gotten together yet?

    you never know.

  4. If its going to happen it will happen...

    Ask him out and go from there or talk to your sister and see how she feels about it.

  5. i don't want to sound mean, but I think you should try to find a different guy and not get involved with your sister's friends because if you break up  it might break their friendship and your sister might like him. I would try to stay away from him/and get over him. i'm not saying it'll be easy but its for the best

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