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My Son,

he is 15 now ,wants to stay with his dad for good.

He does not get along with my husband and me ,because we had problemsin the past i was yelling and didn't know how to raise him in a balance way and my husband not his father was not very nice, the older he got the more my SON became angry and told use how mean we where ,when i say i love him he does not believe me and so on .I have changed ,and no matter how much i try, i can`t reach him .

i am very ashamed of it but i cant` change the past now he wants to live with his dad ,who has never been there for him .

I know that i was not the best Mom ,but i tell you this,this is what i knew how i was raised.Of course, now after so many years finally i realized that was wrong i understand now WHAT i`ve done .If he wants to live with his dad it`s OK ,iam OK with that but i don`t want to change custody let him stay for a while than if he want`s to come back i want to be able to have still primary custody .

I want to do what ever it takes for him to be able to come home i owe him that, and if he dosen`t than it`s OK as long as he is happy that will make me happy.

I will be sad i will see the judge in Sep 08 i just want to know would the judge be OK with that or HOW i do you ask the judge .Thank you




  1. Let him live with his father

  2. Wouldn't a better question be "does the natural father want him to live with him? " If he does not, this is going to be a mess. You might find out now if your ex wants his son with him...he may not after all this time! IF he does, then let your son go...the judge is going to listen to your son anyway, so you might as well smooth the way for him.  

  3. For the better just let him go be with his dad.  Maybe things will work out better if he just goes away for awhile. He does love you but b/c of the past things needs to cool off and he has to learn to forgive and forget.


  4. I would say let him live with his father. But before he leaves you are going to have to make a lasting impression on him. One that will leave him with a better understanding that you have identified and fixed your past mistakes, and are now willing to accept him with arms wide open.

    A mother is so emotionally attached to her children that it is simply not easy to see a child leave. I think if you make an admiral attempt to show him more love and affection, he will forget about the mother that lived in the past and instead love the one that is standing in front of him in the present.

    Wish you the best.

  5. Let him and also you need to get visitation. After all he is your son. You can control him. He can make some choices for himself.

    This may be good for him to know his real father.

  6. make peace with it, but make sure the father wants him.

  7. Let him. He needs a father figure he can respect and be comfortable with especially at this age. Just make sure you get to see him a few times a month depending on how close he lives.  

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