
MY SON IS CRAZY!!!!! What should I do?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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My son is four...He is very animated and WILD!!! He does not have down time...No naps, and runs around all day...He has been kicked out of daycare because they say that he has a hard time listening..I have taken him to the doctor and of course they want to medicate him but he is only four...Isn't there a better way? I have worked in daycare for 5 years and have never seen a child so full of energy...I am not sure what to do about this other than medicate him which I am not so sure that I want to do at this time





  1. i say just take him to the park or something and let him burn off all that energy for a couple of hours! maybe theres a local football club or something you could put him in?

    i really dont agree with medicating an active, excitable little boy.

  2. naps.  enforce naps.  bribe to get the nap.

    my daughter will run around like a chicken with its head cut off if she misses a nap.  she will bounce from one idea to the next and one activity will only last about 4 seconds.  it looks like a really bad case of ADHD.  she only gets this way if she misses a nap.

    perhaps the lad is a bit tired but doesn't want to admit to being wore out because he thinks he'll miss something.

  3. Please don't say your child is crazy. ACTIVE/ENERGETIC yes but not crazy. I would suggest enrolling him in very active sports like soccer, swimming, tennis. Anything to get his energy used. I would not medicate my child either. You should also work with him on things he is behind on. Like listening to directions. Aisian sports like judo are also great for that, since they teach discipline. Like with any other child, read/teach him at home. reward patience with lots of praise and activities he enjoys. There are allot of kids who phase naps out by the time they are 2-3 years old. Do try to put him to sleep an hour earlier. That may help with how he pays attention in day care.

    Do enroll him in another day care. Sometimes it's the teacher that's the real problem, because they don't always know how to teach active kids.

    Yes, super energetic kids are hard to handle, but there is NOTHING WRONG with them! you just have to chanel their talents and abilities properly.

  4. I understand not wanting to medicate him, but it may be the best option. It sounds like he may have ADD or ADHD. It is possible to try the medication for a few weeks, and if you decide it's not the best choice for your son, try another medicine.

  5. well maybe you should medicate him if thats the only thing to do. i dont see the harm in medicating him. also he is 4 and 4 year olds have alot of energy!( i babysit one) you said he wont take a nap but make him. everyday put him in his room for an hour and dim the lights. im sure that will make him a little tired!

  6. sometimes medication isnt the best. my friend was put on that and she hardly ate and weighed about 40 pounds less then she should of. maybe just wait idk

  7. In my opinion, you should not put him on medication for it because he is really little now and if you start to get him medicine at such a young age then he may get addicted to it in the near furture. And you dont want him to be relying on medicines to keep him up. I think that you should just discipline more and make him start to listen.

  8. well he might just be doing that cuz he is in day care all day and wants some attention from you cuz he feels he doesnt see u enough. you should try to take a few days off of work like on friday and on friday and the weekend spend the day doing something fun like Natures Art to see dinosaurs or picnic at the park!   hope this helped good luck to both of u

  9. I have a four year old son too.  He is just like that.  And he talks very mean when he is very upset.  He gets mad so easily and when he does, it is out of contral so we have decided to take him to a doctor finally.  He does better when he takes vitamins called Omega-3,6,9/  yummie bears Omega3,6,9 vitamins are the best because they are not made or fish oil so it does not tastes fishy or it does not smell bad at all.  Maybe you can try some too.  And Od not listen to those people who do not understand you.  I know you have to like with it.  I feel guilty because I have to yell at him all day and he feels bad enough and you feel tired and seems like there is no hope.  I know how you feel.  I think that you should listen to yourself.  You know your son the best.  Even if you think that he needs attention from you, because he is in day care all day.  It did not matter for my son.  We had babysitters to watch him when I had a baby in Jan, and he was gone all day.  It did not affect the way he is.  He is born with it, you know.  And  you should do a lot of research yourself and find something that you think will work for him and you.  I would not put him in marshall arts lessons because he would become more aggresive thatn he is right now.  What if he does all the tricks on other kids, you know.  I put my boy in gymnastic lesson.  He is great at it.  And now that he is older he is doing better at listening.  One thing you can do is to record what he eats and does each day so you will know what affects him the most.  I have a journal that I keep and write things that bothered me that he did and something that he did were good.  If you write it down what he does, you will be surprised that he is not that bad at all.  Sometimes, it is you thinking too much or feeling just bad.  And medication.  I have read that if he needs it, then he does need it to function.  I mean he could get addicted to othersubstances because he needs something to keep his mind going when he gets older.  A lot of adults with addiction were not treated right and those peole often have ADD and do not even know it so they have to take those substances to make themselves feel good and more regulated chemically in their brain.  Kind of self medicate without knowing that they actually need medical help.  Some researchers think that it is a trait that humanbeing need if we were born like a million years ago.  Some study shows that tribes that live away from this rechnological world, that you see on TV, they tend to have ADD more than those who live in this modern world.  So they think that it is one of the traits that a human need for survaival.  You know for hunting and stuff.  Those tribes have to be more aggressive to get what they need, no groceries store.  Your son is not crazy.  He was born with it and has a hard time to fit into this modern world sometimes.  But it is not bad at all.  It is hard.  But you should cherish him and his special power.  I hope that you can find a way to cope with him.  I take my 3 boys to a park everyday for energy outlet.  That could help too.  Good luck

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