

by  |  earlier

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Me and my hubby have been having issues with this step thing for a long time. It started out when the child was in 1st grade and he brought a nice padlock to our house. I asked him where he got it and he said he found it and i took it away and at that time i told him that lock belonged to someone and maybe he should let his mom know. well he said he probaly did find it (i guess while he was hanging out at 6yrs old). well, his teacher happened to call maybe a wk later saying that my stepson tends to lie a lot and that a lock was missing from her desk and he denied having it. Even after all that my hubby said that maybe the teacher was inflating this. Now at 15, it's been rumored he's in a gang or assoc. with one, has been kicked out of 3 or 4 schools, his mother has had to call the cops on him, b/c he shoved her and i think she is somewhat afraid of him. Well, he has not been to our house in over 2yrs b/c my daughter finally told me that he fondled(when she was 6) her and she thought we would not believe her.

Well, i believe her and, of course, my hubby obviously didn't b/c to this day he has never brought it up. I called his mom and she believed me and said that she had found pornograpy books around. I said he would not be coming back. Now he's totally out of control and my hubby just does not see it. Today he brought him over(i am against it), and i just got disenchanted with it even more. My hubby says he smokes dope and so does my hubby and he wears his pant down low like thugs. What should i do? I do not want this child around my kids who are 12 and under, b/c i feel he is a bad influence on them. I think if my hubby gave me the feeling that he was concerned abt any of this and that he is here to help him, not condone or ignore what he does i'd feel a little better abt this cause right now i hate the whole situation. What should i do?




  1. I hate to be ther person that says this..

    But it looks like your hubby has some problems of his own.. no?

    Of he cant raise his own child.. then whats to say he will come in charge with your own kids if needed?

  2. If your hubby smokes dope too, then I hate to tell you this, but he's just as bad as an influence. Now you wonder where the step-son gets it from.

  3. well i think everyone on here will agree that it was bad parenting all the way around your child is a product of his home what do you do about it,,,seek professional help now

  4. I'd find someplace else to go when your step son comes to visit.  If overnight, try to find a family member to visit.  Or maybe a motel  

    You should not have to tolerate anyone who is fondling your children, smoking dope, or anything else that would be harmful.  

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