
MY SWEET friend?

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What can i do for my Sweet Friend?

My Girl Friend as been thur alot this past couple of years. She is still upset. She made the honors list at school. She dose not talk to many kids. I think i am one of 4 that she talks to.

What can i do to confort her more?

What can i do to make her know i am here for her?

Her Parents and My Parents and I all know why she is upset




  1. it's hard to know what to do if we don't know the problem

  2. make her feel loved..tell her ull always be there for her

  3. Take her on a romantic date and make her feel loved.

    Take her to do something she enjoys,or maybe a sunset picnic or something,just show her you really care.

  4. Sometimes it is easier for a person to discuss their problems with someone not involved in their life.  I would suggest she talk to a school counselor.  If she knows she can speak in confidence and with someone that will not have an emotional response..she may be more likely to open up and start to heal.

  5. suprise her with flowers,i dont know how old you are, but you can take her out to a special dinner just the 2 of you. a picnic is always nice, and maybe write a poem. Just something sweet to let her know you love her nad are there for her

  6. A bit of old fashion romance. I don't think you need to do a lot with buying things...but show her you care by doing things.

    Make a hand made card

    Get some flowers (you can pick them our buy them but take them out of the package if you buy them)

    Take her on a picnic

    Tell her she is special and go to the beach or park and don't make any moves on her.

    Make it all about her, but let her know she doesn't have to talk about her problems that's all fun
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