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i kno what the word means

but is that a good thing

cuz i dont kno if thats a compliment or a bad thing




  1. It means your hyper.....It's a-ok!

    I was told that too several times!

  2. um its okay.

    ive been called high maintenance before too(:

    i dont really take it as an insult.

    so just go with the flow.

    he probably means it in a good way!

  3. i take it as a compliment  

  4. High Maintenance- polite way to say "Needs a LOT of attention!!"

  5. well, it depends on how you look at it? high maintenance means that expect or need much. maybe he/she ment that it takes a lot to please you....?

  6. thats never a good thing

  7. yeah it is like when someone wants to say that you are sooo vain and spend a lot of time on your self, and you are bossy and prissy and picky, and complain if you don't have things your way. basically a *****. but they sugar coated it for you . high maintenance also can mean that it takes a lot of stuff mainly money to make you happy. expansive make up to wear, a long time to get ready, means a lot of time to invest in you. = high maintenance. not good.

  8. It means you're really prissy/spoiled...which isn't a compliment in most cases

  9. lmao its not a compliment its an insult.

    It means your spoiled and hate doing things yourself.

  10. It's a bad thing, it means that they think you are a little on the spoiled side and are very materialistic, it's never good to be called that  

  11. i would say its a bad thing

    especially if ur teacher noticed

    dont take it as a compliment

    hope i helped


  12. Depends on your teacher if he meant it as a compliment.

    That sounds A LOT like a teacher I used to have. He was cool, though.

  13. uhhhh not sure how to describe it but i'll give you some examples

    -takes you forever to get ready


    -likes everything perfect

    and basically it takes a lot of maintenance to be you

  14. maybe bad sorry :[

    she might have been complaining that you are diva-ish  

  15. Depends if it was sarcasm or serious.

    I'm thinking sarcasm... but if it's serious....

    THEN LOL!!





  16. its a bad thing. it means that you always want others to do your bidding in that sense.

  17. It is an insult. And by your comment, you earned it. You are either incapable to do things for yourself or think you are to good to do things for yourself. Stop manipulating others. Time to take responsibility for yourself, and stop typing in text.  

  18. ha my music teacher said that to me! i take it as a complement.

  19. Maybe you are but who cares.  

    take it as you want... keep your confidence up and just take it as a compliment.

  20. It really depends on the tone, situation, and the type of relationship you have with the teacher. Also, since you know what the word means, and you know yourself, was it possibly just the truth???? I mean, sometimes things aren't meant as an insult they are just accurate. If she called the class clown "silly" it would just be true. If she called the straight A studious kid "serious" it would just be the truth. If you ARE high maintenance, and you know it and like it, then OWN it. Later on down the line, you might enter a field of work where "high maintenance" attention to detail is an asset and can lead to success. Everything can be a strength or a weakness depending on how you choose to use it.

  21. pretty much means  your kewl

    just a real pain

  22. Woah! thats mean lol i would think it would be a insult? but forget him..

    :P lol

  23. it depends why he/she said it

    i get that everyday and every second of the day

  24. depends on the way she/he said it.

    mostly it means ditzy and rich, usually a seeming compliment, but behind the person's back, an insult.

    answer mine please!;...

  25. thats a bad thing

    it means that you are difficult and need the most high quality things

    high maintenance people are annoying, no offence

  26. It's not really a compliment coming from your teacher.

    And no one has addressed the fact that this was a very

    unprofessional  and personal thing for your teacher to

    say to you, especially if in front of other students. I think

    this is out of bounds.

  27. i would think of it as kind of a bad thing, but it depends on the tone she used.

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