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i have a 2001 dodge 2500 v10 and it has magna flow exhaust on it. recently it started back firing and now the passenger exhaust is smoking like a freight train. i dont have caddys on my truck because i dont have to get emissions. its just straight pipe to my muffler and thenmy three inch pipe to the rear. i think it may be burning oil but it doesnt smell like burnt oil. could this be an O2 sensor or is it actually burning oil?????




  1. sounds to me like the engine is junk. take it to a shop and have a professional confirm that.

  2. Have you ever change the oil?

  3. The backfiring is an interesting symptom that doesn't match  anyone else's diagnosis.  Blue smoke is burning oil.   Dense, white smoke with a sickeningly sweet smell is burning coolant (cylinder head).

       Something mechanical has failed, so anything electronic is mostly irrelevent.   An intake manifold leak that is sucking in oil is can lean out the air/fuel mix bad enough to backfire.  If you manage to get the thing to idle without any help.......try removing the oil cap while it is running.

      If you notice suction and the engine suddenly dies, the intake manifold has a vacuum leak to the crankcase.  Replace the lower intake manifold gasket to fix.

      By the way, you never mentioned if it ran rough.

    Another tip......some backpressure tends to increase torque at lower rpms.  You probably noticed you shifted the power range 500rpm above cruising rpm.....killing gas milage a bit.

  4. if you were burning oil that would be a bluish color, but you say that it is white. that makes me think that you have a problem with a head gasket, cracked block or damaged head. but you say dark white, which i do not understand. i will assume that you mean gray. this means that you are getting too much fuel, for what ever reason.  

  5. What color is the smoke? White is cracked block or the head gasket. Blue you scored a cylinder or something major is stuck or failed. Judging by the truck description, the engine is now junk and needs a rebuild. You should consider putting the emissions stuff back on too. It's not like it's a fast vehicle. Why pollute?
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