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like her back is oo squishy... i looked and there r no answer for my question..she has been like 10 mins out of the water and her bak is still squishy is that good....wat should i do i need answers now i dnt want to wake up and see her dead i just bought it a day ago and shes a baby!!!please help!!!




  1. Take her to the vet. She might have a fungus or a soft spot on her shell.  

  2. At least danny knows what he is writing about. If baby turtles had hard shells at birth, they would go through life in the shape of an egg. It takes time for the shell to calcify. Your turtle is not sick and a vet who tells you otherwise is a quack. That said, your turtle needs a high-protein, high-calcium diet to develop properly. Feed it earthworms and fishes (not goldfish) or strips of liver dusted in bonemeal. Those are all good sources of calcium and protein and the fish and liver provide vitamin D to any turtle that does not bask enough.

  3. Pick up a book on turtles and learn a little something about them and their care.  

  4. It is suffering from a calcium deficiency you can find tablets that dissolve in the water thta makes the water full of calcium or just find a food high in calcium!

  5. i am no vet but... if she is a baby, their shells are suposed to be softer than a full grown turtle. i would put her back in water just to be safe...

  6. Your turtle has soft shell (NOT shell rot).

    It is caused by a lack of calcium in the diet and lack of UV lighting.

    To prevent this, use a UV light designed for turtles, such as reptisun, and feed more calcium in the diet, such as minnows.

    A qualified reptile veterinarian might be able to help- but honestly, it sounds like your turtle may be beyond that point.

    This question is asked here several times a week.

  7. It is not good, and it couldn't have happened in one day.  I would take her back where you got her and get a refund and buy a turtle someplace else.  If she's sick - the rest could of the turtles there could be, too.

    Otherwise, you will need to take her to vet, and that will be expensive.

    It sounds like she doesn't have enough calcium in her system.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  8. lil turtles are hard to keep 8 of them died so i decided just to get one at least two inches long for now dont change the water ... i guess u have the island that they sell them with leave it there but do not put a lot of water do not cover the turtle and if the bk is squeshy most likely they gave it to u like that

  9. **Shell Rot. *** First make a dry box to keep the turtle in, shell rot needs water to grow.

    Keep it warm and give it plenty of light. Scrub the shell gently with a toothbrush and water. Let the turtle swim for about 20 minutes a day in something other than his pond or tank that has real clean water. 1-2 times a day take a cotton ball apply Hydrogen Peroxide to it then to his shell. It'll start bubbling which means its cleaning it. it. DO NOT get it in his eyes. Then clean the shell and apply providone-iodine solution to the shell, coat the shell and don't clean it off until he is ready to swim the next day.** Keep this up for several weeks and it should go away. . MOST important !!! TOSS in a bird cuttle bone in the water for calcium. it will dissolve real slow and if they eat it that’s fine!!


    They basking 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D they need to grow. Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Ttheir water needs clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot. They need a good filter system for clean water!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins.

    Contact the “, for a turtle vet in your city and state

  10. No,it isn't good.You need to get her to a vet for calcium injections,and then get her a full-spectrum UV light for her to bask under ( it helps her make vitamin D.) You will also have to make sure that the turtle gets a balanced diet,and a calcium/vitamin D supplement every day. The turtle could also have a fungal infection which will need medication,and a dry area to bask. What kind of turtle is it?

    Oh,yes,the cuttlebone is essential.My turtles eat theirs' up so fast!


    Read this and see if it helps. (There are pictures.)  I'd definitely act quickly tho and possibly find a reptile vet in your area. Just call a regular vet place and ask if they will see reptiles. Most vets that will see reptiles won't charge you much (or at least they shouldn't! You can ask an approximate cost when you call.) and get your little baby checked out. I've had a box turtle for over 14 years now and she's definitely visited the vet a few times because when I got her she wasn't receive proper vitamins and sunlight. If you're not sure if that might be an issue, ask a vet or you can email me and I'll help as best I can.  

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