
MY WEDDING IS TOMORROW AND IM SICK! how do i get better now....?

by Guest32805  |  earlier

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i started feeling like i was getting sick so i took medicine yesterday this morning it just blew up. im getting married tomorrow and i do not know how to make it go away. im taking medicine n drinking tea but its not helping.

please any help??????? =( im going to have a heart attack lol..........




  1. Clean you ear, nose and throat.  Check to see if you have some hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet. Tilt your head and pour some in your right ear until it stops bubbling and then the left ear.  Take 1/4 capful of hydrogen peroxide and 3/4 capful of water and sniff it into each nostril, once you blow your nose the bug should come out.  After that gargle with the hydrogen peroxide.

    Good Luck - Have a happy wedding day.

    Hope this works for you, it has worked for me and a couple of friends of mine.

  2. take some goldenseal three times a day. Drink tomato soup. It has more vit. c and less sugar than OJ.  Take ginseng (but not at bedtime).  Take a shot of warmed blackberry brandy at bedtime (the anthocyans in it will boost your immunity) Green tea is also good.

  3. If you have a cold....load up on vitamin C....drink lots of orange juice.  Make sure you take a multi vitamin before you go to bed and get lots of sleep tonight (I know that is hard the night before a wedding, but try)    Feel Better!

  4. What is your sickness ?

  5. Has this happened before? Sounds like an allergy of some kind.

    Colloidal Silver will work fast, 3tablespoons per day, do not use longer than 10 consecutive days, or your skin will go grey, according to the medical establishment.

    Use Wicks Vapour Rub on your nose, and throat, and drink plenty of orange juice, 25 oranges a day will do the trick, or 1-2g of powder vitamin C. Drink lots of purified alkali water, to make it alkali you must add 1/2teaspoon of baking soda to every litre of water you drink.  1000mg of methionine this will reduce histamine levels.

    Try the above, especially the orange juice, freshly made at home if possible, 25 oranges, thats about 2 big glasses.

    Alternative medicine does not work instantly, so i reccomend you see your pharmacist asap for some advice on what to take, like Beachems Flu plus, since you have similar symptoms to the flu.

  6. Zicam it is sold at drugstores like CVS, Walgreens. I have used this and it works, also Vitamin C when i am sick i load up on this take it continually throughout the day it will make you at least feel better enough to get through the wedding.

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