
MY computer shuts it self down???

by  |  earlier

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i just recently upgraded to COMODO Firewall Pro. And I use AVG 8.0 as my security on the net. But after the initial re-boot after the firewall install every time i go to log onto any profile on my computer it will shut it's self down durring the personal setting upload??? Any help guys???




  1. uh thanks for asking that question. I have the same problem, but worser. My computer is locked and it shuts down itself. It's upgrading the files.... something like that....

  2. using two security programs my interfere with each other and cause problems. you should only have one security program. its like when installing McAfee when Norton is already running or vice versa

  3. bad firewall. bad antivirus. for starters you should boot up in safe mode and uninstall the firewall. avg is bad but not bad enough to shut your pc down.  secondly you dont need a firewall as long as you have an antivirus and spyware remover (like spybot search and destroy) and run them once a day or once every other day.

  4. Either boot in safe mode (By papidly pressing F8 while starting up) or reboot the hard drive (By rapidly pressing F12 while starting up and selecting hrad drive).

  5. you shouldn't have 2 Anti Virus programs, try un-installing the COMODO, i mean seriously 1 program is enough, and AVG 8.0 has everything you need.

  6. 1 -Try another user, admin if possible.

    2 - Boot in safe mode and disable start up programs in question (i.e. if you suspect its the firewall, disable it) Do this by pressing F8 during boot up, and then selecting safe mode.. then once in windows start > run > msconfig (assuming your using WinXP) Then look in Services (hide windows services) and Startup. Then reboot and try again.

    3 - Is your screen flashing to a bright blue screen with white writing on it for a moment before it shuts down?

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