
MY daughter made a friend who lives around the corner from my house, i don't know the mother personally?

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i see her at the school or around the block and we'll say hi to each other...that's all. One day the my daughter's friend calls her on her cell ..her mother tol her daughter to ask my daughter if i could give the mother 2 dollars...i was so pissed , what a ghetto thing to do, its like me asking a total stranger for money..what do you think




  1. I'm with Vera.

    Try not to let it bother you too much.  You should make an effort to get to know this person.  

    Her actions were inappropriate, but I'm sure she is not a bad person.  I think you overreacted a little bit.  It sounds like she was afraid to ask you for the two dollars herself, so she put her daughter up to it.  Maybe she thought that it would be better if the child asked...I don't know.  That still doesn't make it right.  After all, she doesn't know you.

    However, I'm sure she didn't mean to offend you.  Some people do not realize that what seems innocent to them is offensive to others.  Some people have different ideas about these things.  She might be socially awkward.   Try to get to know her.  Invite her over when you have the time.  See if you have anything in common with her.  Sometimes friendships can come from misunderstanding.   Ask her questions about her daughter.  She might tell you how great it is that her daughter is friends with yours.  You never know.  Her actions might seem "ghetto" but she could turn out to be a very nice person.  Just give her a chance.

  2. Well I wouldn't ask for money but there are lots of people that dont think there is anything wrong asking for help , you can always say no.

    You never know it could have been an emergency , she could have been desperate ,  its not like she was asking for 50 dollars , I would give her the benifit of  the doubt.

  3. Well did you give her the money?  If  so,  and you were uncomfortable with it you should have politely said no.   Don't worry about it too much, but if you think that her daughter is  negatively influencing your daughter.  Then try talking to your daughter about it and keep a close eye on them.  I know this maybe the last thing you want to do, but meet the mother this way you know who's house your daughter is visiting.  You never know, you may find out that the mother isn't so bad.  I can't make you any promises on that one (lol) but you never know.

  4. I think that's really strange.  I would tell your daughter to maybe find someone else to hang around with.  If this woman is that tacky, what is she like when your daughter is around their house?

  5. How sad for her daughter.

  6. That is very low. 2 dollars, not even the amount worth, doesn't she know anyone else? If it was 100 dollars or more, and she did not know anyone else, then maybe, but still, she should have asked you personally at the very least, for the education of it. Using kids to get around your problems, that is the main point that is just wrong to me. You should try and contact the mother to resolve the why. Good luck.

  7. I dont blame you going bananas, she shouldnt hand over money like that dont until they really get aquainted with her. if your daughter gets involved with ghetto folk she could be dragged into something bad or act like them as bad habits grows on you if you mix with bad folk. tell her off if she dont listen ground her after school.until she sees sense.

  8. How do you know that the daughter wasn't lying and the money was for her? I detect something in your posting: you mention that you'll see the mother and just say hello. Then you are quick to call her 'ghetto.' It sounds to me that you don't like the looks of her and are being standoffish and s****.. Otherwise, why wouldn't you go up to her when you see her and say: "Jane really likes Kathy. My name is Sally, by the way" and extend your hand to her?

    For the first poster: Um...did you know that you don't have to stop carrying money because someone may ask you for it? Here's a new word for you, dollface: NO.

  9. Kids lie.All the time.I did so did every kid Ive ever known.The money was probly for the kid and they thoughtr evoking the mothers name would get the money easier.Also maybe she just didnt have lunch money for the kid and it was a last resort response like ask janies mom to loan you 2 $ seriously its 2$ get over it.Its not ghetto its flat *** poor.

  10. Yeah, that's not to cool. I hate when people I barely know ask me for money but I never carry cash so I can always say Sorry, I don't have any cash.  Some people are just always mooching off of anyone their around and it's best to tell them no so they leave you alone.  However don't give the daughter a bad time because her mom's an idiot.  Her daughter probably hates when her mom makes her do stuff like that.

  11. Maybe it was the daughter who asked your daughter for money .. you should talk to the woman next time you meet her.. if her daugher is a friend of your daughter you should get to know the mother.. you can't really form an opinion about her unless you get to know her or have at least talked to her once.. only then will you have a clearer idea what kind of woman she is.. if you get into a conversation with her which should be easy .. you don't live far away.. you either meet her by chance in the street or you could invite her for coffee or tea.. and a chat... then you find out more...You can really not tell if that is the true story behind it.. most likely the mother knows  nothing about it and the daughter asked your daughter for 2 dollars for herself not for the mother...

  12. yeah it is vert ghetto.yuk

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