
MY dog ate a bone...and now somethings in his throat and he's gaging?

by  |  earlier

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it is not serious enough to go to a vet.

i tried hitting him between the shoulder blades.... gave him a lot of maybe make it pass.... but ever few minutes he seems to gag... or paws at his face.... i can tell he's really uncomfortable...

what should i do.

has anyone had this problem...

he is a 3 month old german short hair...




  1. It is very serious!!!!  If something is in his throat and he's gagging he might die!!!  Take him to a vet immediately!!!!!

  2. the thing in his throat couldn't be the bone, because that would be to simple, and if there is one thing i have learned from s****. doo is that it never works the first time. The thing in hsi throat could be a tape recording from the future, and the dog's throat is a wormhole conneceted to the year 2029, and they have discovered how to make a car run on randiness and they are passing a how-to on to us.

    or it could be the bone.

  3. Not to be rude, but it seems pretty obvious to me that your dog is choking, you can't remove what he has lodged in his throat, and he needs a vet now! You need to quit wasting time on the computer, waiting for answers from people that cannot help your dog, while your dog is choking to death! Please, if you don't want your dog to choke to death, and if it's not too late already, turn your computer off, grab your dog, get in the car and drive to the nearest Emergency Animal Clinic!

  4. Well, if it's not "serious enough to go to a vet" for, I'd at least CALL the vet. They can probably help, and give you better info than what we can.


    Check the roof of his mouth, then the back of his throat in case it is where you can reach it. If you don't see it and he continues to gag...GET HIM TO THE VET!   You never, ever  give a 3 mo old puppy a bone... any bone!  

  6. What???you r saying it is not serious enough for a vet???Unfortunately it is.So dont delay anymore and take your pup to a vet.

  7. get him to a vet fast

  8. Are you trying to tell me this isn't serious enough for a vet?

    What is wrong with you?

  9. You have to take him to the vet. This is as serious as a human CHOKING! You cannot save him unless you are a veteranian. This is terrible. Run to the animal Emergency Clinic right away!

    What should you do?

    Depends if you want him to live or not?

    Take him to the vet if you decide to let him live.

  10. If he is pawing at his face there could be something stuck in his tooth. Check the very back of his teeth. That might be it. You could also try giving him bread.

  11. I would call the vet and just ask to see what they say just to make sure it's okay and they might can give you some advice. I have never had this problem with my dog.  

  12. This question is either a joke or you are just a really stupid person.

  13. When your dog swallows a bone and cannot get it out of his throat, you should contact your nearest veterinary clinic ASAP.

    It is more serious than you think, and he should not have gotten a bone small enough for him to swallow in the first place.

  14. Yes it is serious enough to go to a vet you knowing its a bone he ate.

    Get him there ASAP

    Good luck and God bless

  15. What kind of bone?  A piece may have splintered off and got caught in his throat.  Keep a close eye on the dog, make sure it passes.  If it doesn't, take the dog to a vet

  16. Ok first a 3 month old puppy should never ever ever get a can give the a chew bone like a nylabone but not a regular bone.  He probably has a piece stuck in the skin up his throat...And you saying it is not serious, Ummm hello!!!! If you is gagging and pawing at his throat then something is wrong. Take him to the vet. What is wrong with you.

  17. If he is gagging then it is serious enough to see a vet.  The bone may have splintered and can cause serious damage

  18. If he is gagging, it's serious enough for you to take him to a vet.  Go.  Now.  Don't wait.

    Also, don't feed a puppy a bone.  Ever.  You end up having to take your puppy to a vet.  (See above.)

  19. It is serious enough for a vet!  If the dog has not yet coughed it back up, it is stuck.  It if does dislodge from the throat, it could puncture other vital organs as it is moved along!!!

  20. He's really uncomfortable and he's gagging and he just ate a bone...sooo I think that the something that is in his throat is a bone splinter.  How do you know it's not serious enough to see the vet?  TAKE HIM to the ER VET...NOWWW or at least call them to see what they want u to do.  Poor dog...little puppy no less.  God bless this dog.

  21. its dyin

    say last goodbyes

    rip dog

  22. not serious enough for a vet????


  23. what do mean its not too serious to go to a vet? Your dog is gagging!! There is something in his throat! he might choke!!! vet

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