
MY fiancee and I were to get married......?

by  |  earlier

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but he has been getting mad lately and he told me that asking me to marry him as a big mistake. I know he loves me but I feel like he is getting like that b/c he's dad doesn't like me and he tell him that I'm not good for him and that I don't trust him. We are both young (20). I love him a lot but are we moving to fast? are we growing apart .. we have been dating for 5 years. the wedding isn't for another year or so. what can I do?




  1. yes yes ans yes. call off the engagement and see where things go. you don't want to go through with everything only to get a divorce a year later!

  2. I think you two need to sit down and communicate about alot of things.  Alot can go in 5 yrs.  Get everything that bothers both of you on the table.  Agree that before you start this conversation you will not raise your voice.  This is part of being mature and knowing how to communicate.  If your B/F loves you he needs to tell his dad to not say anymore bad about you if that is whats been going on.  People do alot of changing in 5 yrs and you need to consider how much more changing is going to take place in the next 5.  After the talk if you both feel it just wont work then part as friends.  If you feel it will work than start working on your problems together.  

  3. Try and work things out. Find out what is really bothering him and if it's something that can be dealt with, then both of you fix it. I don't believe you are moving too fast. He may have a lot of stress built up from wedding plans/work/ his dad being on his back all the time. It may not just be one thing. The most I can really say is try to find out what's bothering him and help him get through it.

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