
MY university gave me the term bill but i didn't get any money from fianancial aid yet do i have to pay?

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my university gave me a term bill and its about 6000 dollars but i put out a loan and got financial aid worth about 10000 altogether , yet i didn't get any money from either sources yet, wut do i do pay the six grand




  1. they will but not untill a week after  the semester begins

  2. Yes, you OWE the money. Financial aid has nothing to do with your bill for the school. You attend the school, you owe the bill. Exactly HOW you pay the bill is your business, out of your back pocket or with financial aid makes NO difference to the school as long as they get the money you owe to them. Talk to them. They may be open to delaying the due date until the aid package kicks in.

  3. No.

    At almost any school I've ever heard of, there is a separate deadline for financial aid recipients. Financial aid is not disbursed until a few weeks into the semester, so students who have accepted financial aid are given a later deadline to pay.

    Check with the financial aid office, and they will tell you what your deadline will be.

    By the way - if you need money for books, ask financial aid about a book voucher - you'll be able to "charge" your books against your financial aid - assuming, as you said, that you are expecting a financial aid "overage" - meaning that you're expecting enough aid to cover your tuition bill and then some.

    I hope that helps - good luck!

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