I had been gathering my evidence of suspicion.My wife an dthis guy at church.She was texting him at 1 am and erasing the evidence. He was texting her at midnight saying "OKAY" when she goes to the shower but i could'nt find any thing on her outbox.She was calling him to sit next to her even when i was there. I used evidence of some texts i had seen n she finally admitted there was something but it was not physical. At first she had denied untill i told her about the texts.She says its cause we have grown distant and she works with this guy at church, sometimes late at night(3 am) on projects.She says now that she will talk to him n tell him " this whatever it is between us has to stop because you have a gf and i have a husband." IM WONDERING IF SHE WILL? Im wondering what would have happened had i not mentioned all this? I feel like she was cheating an di dont feel like going to the same church to see someone who has been havn an emtional releationship with my wife.Technically they have both been cheating.She says there was nothing sexual etc on the texts between them, but WHY HAS SHE BEEN ERASING THEM? We are at his place for a bbq and at 1 am he leaves us there to run to the store n suddenly he and her are texting. What are they texting about at that time and why erase the messages if it was all innocent?WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE I FEEL BETRAYED LIKE SHE SLEPT WITH SOMEONE ELSE.I believe God exposed this cause they were using the cover of church.God dont like ugly, especially in church, thats dirtying the name of his house cause you see like now i dont feel like going to church anymore.I believe its God who exposed this.HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FORGET THIS FOR ME? WILL SHE BREAK AWAY FROM THE AFFAIR TODAY OR WILL IT BE GRADUAL OR WILL THEY GET SMARTER ABOUT IT? She now knows i have evidence from phone company and i have laid down the law as the husband that no more church practises for productions beyond 10 pm and i will tell the pastor that i have told my wife no more practises after 10 am.No more 3 am editing stuff her him an dthis other guy.I support her career but now when its going to destroy my marriage its going to be or the church. I feel very hurt SOMEONE HELP.