
Mac G4 Cube Networking/internet problem.?

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I recently reinstalled Tiger (10.4) onto my cube due a harddrive failure. The last time I had installed it (clean install both times), it worked fine. This time, it brings up an IP that is not on my network, and is not able to communicate with the router. Both the Cube's and router's activity lights flash occasionally however. The Router I'm using is Linksys, and I never had problems like this before. I tried both manual, and automatic DHCP setups without success. Any ideas?




  1. Connecting via Airport or Cat5 (ethernet) wire?  If Airport, have you tried to connect by wire?  If by wire, have you tried a different wire?  Take a look at the cable and make sure it's intact.

    Sometime you can "fake it out" when it won't connect.  Set it the Network Preference to PPP and save the settings.  Then reopen the Network Preference pane and try DHCP again.  (I've been using that trick or a version of it since MacOS 8.1.)

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