
Mac G4 OSX is frozen/slow after file drop mistake and ?

by  |  earlier

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The house computer was running extremely slow for the last 3 months so I cleaned it up. It seems that someone used it to rip music off a file sharing program and had it spread all over the drives. I found the shared file with about 7 MB of music and when I was dragging the designated selection to the trash, the mouse lifted and the files dropped on the desktop. The computer is starting fine and working in the other user account but when I go into the house user account the desktop takes minutes to load and I can not click the Desktop tabs in the finder section to get the music files off. What can I do?




  1. save the files you want and need onto an external hard drive adn reinstall osx

  2. If your two Macs are on the same Airport network you should be able to go onto the MacBook and mount the G4 drive. If you don't know its IP address, go under Apple Menu > System Preferences > Sharing > Services on the G4. Then on the MacBook, when in Finder, type command K and type in the IP address. The other computer should mount on the desktop. Then you can try trashing those files from the MacBook. Having too much stuff on your desktop can really slow down an older computer, so that's probably what's frozen it up.

  3. organize your question and ask again. learn the language.

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