
Mac OSX Leopard - where did my Apps folder go when I dragged it to the dock?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to make a stack with all my apps in it, so I dragged the apps folder from Finder to the dock. But all that happened was there was a little puff of smoke, and now the Apps folder doesn't show up in Finder. It didn't go onto the dock, either. What happened and how can I fix it?




  1. Your two questions:

    * What happened?

    A puff of smoke appears when you remove something from the Dock. Whatever no longer appears in the Dock that was there just before the puff of smoke can be added back by dragging it to the Dock.

    * How can I fix it?

    In the Finder mode, but with no Finder windows open, go to Finder > Preferences > Sidebar. Put a Check for Applications.

    Your idea of dragging a folder to the Dock is fine, so just do it again but a bit more slowly this time.

  2. It might have been put into the Trash by accident, check there. If not just remake the folder and then drag it back to the Dock.

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