
Mac and Its Prevention of Viruses?

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I was just wondering, is it true that Mac computers are not affected by viruses and malware? If so, why is that? And why doesn't Windows change so its like that also?




  1. The main reason for this is that OS X is much less popular than Windows, so people who write viruses can hit more targets by making them for windows. Windows is also terrible security-wise, so there are definitely some design reasons that OS X does not get viruses as much.

  2. Better programming

    and people do hate billie g

    China said 'frik you' and switched to Linux just to stop his whining

    in 3 years my  have not even sniffled much less caught a virus

    billie G spent 5 years taking apart 4,000 macs at Redmond and vista is what they created -- a poorly reverse-engineered copy of OS X.

    billie is just stubborn

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