
Mac or PC? Which is better for a student in college?

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I'm trying to decide whether I should get a Mac or PC. I've used PC all my life and I like them.

I'm just a student and I'm wondering which is better for me




  1. Stay with PC then they have more software and can be a bit more powerful. but go with a MAC if you want to be "cool" and with a mac its a bit harder to get viruses, Trojans ect.

  2. bottom line and pay attention to this....macs suck, they only look good but they have no capability and little software....theres a reason things arent mac compatible, people dont care about them. They are also way way way way and way to expensive. The only thing they are good for is video editing and if your doing something along that line then ignore all this stuff and go out and get one but if not dont touch them. PC is more organized especially windows vista and they are much easily upgrade able and everbody has better customer service than mac....who wants to send their **** to texas to get it fixed and pay shipping both way....i dont think you do. I got nothing to lose if you go ahead and buy one of them but youll be unhappy...

  3. my darling  have NEVER EVER given me any grief

    my hubby's 18 month dell XP fried its motherboard

    costly and so not fun

    it took a week to get it working again

    loving my trouble free money saving macs

  4. I think you should go to a retail store and try the mac and if you like it better then buy it.


    You can not run windows app on mac without installing Windows.

    So you can get a PC and a Mac in the same computer if you buy a mac.

    To install Windows use bootcamp that is built in all Macs  

  5. If you have used pc all of your life then continue to use pc because you already famular with them already. If you buy a new mac, it will be expensive and takes time to learn how to operates mac.

  6. Macs generally have a better battery life if you are thinking of a notebook/laptop.  

  7. It has nothing to do with being cool or whatever. I own a mac, but I understand the utility in owning a PC. I would get a PC if you know, for your major, such as with Computer Science, Engineering, BME, Chemistry, Physics, etc, a PC could be up your alley. A PC could have more resouces for software as well as all the little add ons you might need for that field. I can honestly say that there aren't many resources for these things on Mac. Also if you have been used to the Windows OS, you might not want to try something new.

    However, Macs are good in some things too. I would get a Mac because i feel the OS is a bit easier, flushed out, and things work a little more seamlessly than on a PC. Any printers, cameras, or other devices will automatically work with your comp without any drivers needed to be found. Also, it comes with some good software that actually is useful and the programs work together. I would also say that Macs however are slightly more expensive, but will last longer because of the low threat of viruses (five I think).

    So, if you're comfortable switching operating systems, I would always suggest a Mac. Maybe a lower end MacBook or iMac would be good. I would always stress, that try to understand the differences between PCs and Macs and what they offer. In the worse case scenario, if you get a Mac, you would be able to run Windows XP or Vista for all your needs. They also have Office for writing, as well as other software as well.

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