
Mac or Windows? What is the difference?

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I currently have a Computer that runs on Windows XP that is a couple years old. I want to buy a new computer but, I don't know what is better Mac or Windows. Could you tell me which one is better and which one should i get??




  1. This will answer your question:

  2. I personally prefer Windows.  Let me explain why:

    First off, I am not a Microsoft or Mac fan-boy by any means.  I have dealt with both Windows and Macintosh computers, and here are some reasons I prefer Windows:

    1. Macs can be hard to learn to use if you have never used them

    2. I do not know your age, but if in school, Windows has more suitable programs for it.  (Excel, Onenote, (in Vista) etc.)

    3. Windows has WAYYY more games than Macintosh does if you play them.  (Windows is also a great source for gaming)

    4. Windows is definitely used more for business, if you are or are planning to work in the business industry.

    Look, I can go on and on and on with these things.  Now, do not get me wrong here, Macs ARE very fun to use.  They have awesome programs like Garage Band and iMovie, (which is better than Windows Movie Maker) and a bunch of others, but in the end, I personally prefer Windows.  Brand-wise, I would go for Toshiba or Sony if you can afford them.  They are some of the best computers that run on Windows, but really, all brands work fine.  None that I have used are "horrible".  I hope you consider this information when deciding on which to use.  Thank you!!

  3. Well if you get a mac, you will not be able to run some of your old software. Though macs seem to have more multimedia (video and music) programs available. There are actually a lot of differences between Mac and Windows, and if I were to explain them all it would fill up this page. I would stick with Windows if I were you, but if you have a friend who has a mac, maybe you could borrow or it or at least ask to try it out and see which you like better.

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