
Mac vs. dell? laptop. i kinda want apple laptop cause i want all the cool applications, can i get ?

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can i get iphoto, itunes, imovie photobucket and all of theose cool appllications on a dell laptop?>? what about garage band?? and withch one do u think is better, and if i get a mac how do i set up the internet




  1. anyone can have itunes and photobucket but idk about the rest but a macbook is the number 1 rated computed for students

  2. Macs have better resale, are easier to use, make better (more efficient) use of the hardware, are more reliable, are more secure and their total cost of operation is lower than PCs.

    PCs are cheaper, initially, than Macs. There are lot of people out there who know Windows so its easy to to find someone to comiserate with.

    I have found noone with real experience in both platforms that prefers to use Windows for their desktop. Even if you're just going to use the machine for surfing the Internet, Windows and Internet Explorer are notorious for their security holes. The MacOS os layer (based on FreeBSD) is far far more securely written so it is harder to write viri for (and obviously, since Macs are a smaller part of the market, fewer people are writing viri for them to begin with).

    In particular, once you understand generally how Macs do things, you can pick up new applications very easily.  There is far more (needless) variation in how interfaces work across the Windows platform, so applications take longer to master.

    You'll find there are things LIKE iPhoto, Garage band etc.  You won't find them as intuitive.  You can actually get iTunes for the PC.

    The vast majority of large commercial software products out there have Mac versions, and its relatively easy to run either a virtual machine or "boot camp" (dual boot) if you must run Windows products on your Mac.

    I have given members of my family Macs because I don't want to be their system administrator if I can help it. They can administer their own machines. If I had given them Windows, I basically would have been signing up for a no salaried system admin for as long as they had my gifts.

  3. Itunes yes

    Iphoto no - Photoshops for windows can run into hundereds of dollars

    imovie no - Windows movie maker is a poor alternative

    garage band no - Cubase / Protools are equally good if not better, but come at a prise

    My advice?

    Get a Mac

    Internet is a cinch with macs, it does it pretty much itself.

  4. mac are way better than dell

    and the iLife suite is exclusively for macs only  

    but if you want dell you could get alternate programs

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