
Mac + zune= not good?

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Ok iknow that i can not put th software on mac osx software but what if i wore to use boot camp and put window on my mac too.




  1. u are stupid duh! don't u know mac is from apple and zune is from Microsoft and their products are different and they hate each  other duh!

  2. you actually bought a zune? those things are so bad. why wouldnt you just get an ipod like everybody else.

  3. Wow. Just an FYI: I'm not going to be mean to you like the other responders :)

    So.. Zunes can't work with Macs. Period. Even if you have windows on your Mac it still won't work. The only mp3 players I've seen that work with Mac's are iPod and Insignia.

    Chris J, Zunes aren't bad. I own one. They actually have more features than the iPod and cost less. OH YEAH. Also, just because "everybody" has an iPod, doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon too. You have your own mind, I suggest you start using it.

    Aman, check your facts before you get cocky. Just because it's Apple and Microsoft doesn't mean they can't work. Do iPod's work on PC's??? YES. You just got pwned.

    Ginsy, I hope I helped! Good luck!
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