
MacBeth; Relevance of witchcraft and the witches. Linking to 'Divine Right of Kings'?

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  1. The Three Witches (also known as the Weird Sisters) are supernatural characters in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. They inform Macbeth that he is destined to be king and urge him to bloody, ambitious acts. They also show him visions of his fate, though their guidance ultimately leads to his destruction. Many of their parts are drawn directly from Holinshed's Chronicles, a popular history of the British Isles in Shakespeare's day. Their character is based on the Norns of Scandinavian legend and the three fates of both Latin and Greek mythology.

    The Witches' dark and contradictory nature is said by many scholars to set the tone for the play. For a Shakespearean audience, their presence would have represented rebellion and treason in the worst sense. The manner in which they tempt Macbeth to his deeds matches the manner in which many at the time argued the devil tempted men, by placing a thought in their minds and letting it grow into an act. Not all of the scenes in which the witches appear, however, are thought to have been written by Shakespeare. In fact, several scenes may have been lifted directly from The Witch by Thomas Middleton.

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