
MacBook Pro can't connect to internet?

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I just bought a macbook pro and i'm getting really frustrated because I can't get onto the internet. My ariport signal is high and everything but safari tells me I am not connected.

My router is a Trendnet TEW-432BRP

help please?




  1. When you first tried to connect, a wizard should have guided you through all what you needed to do.

    You can access the settings now by going to:

    Apple > System Preferences > Network > Firewire > Advanced  or  right click on the airport signal in the toolbar and select Open Network Preferences > Advanced.

    If you cannot get it going then I would recommend that you ring your ISP.

    I had to do this to get my mail account working and needed to make some changes that I would never have found by myself.

    Regards, Zyfert

  2. right click on the network icon on the taskbar..connect

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