
Macbeth Help?? 10 points for best answer?

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in act 3 scene 1, Macbeth shares a soliloquy with us "to be thus is nothing..." can someone tell me the relationship it bears to the play as a whole eg. themes, imagery and ideas, links to action and words.




  1. You should soooo do your own homework.

    It is obvious that it is homework don't be absurd. If you were just curious about Macbeth you would not have asked that ?. The question is clearly a homework ? asked by someone who knows that this soliloquy has great importance to Hamlet's frame of mind and action during this time. Furthermore if you wanted to know if you were on the right track you would have implied what "track" you were on and asked for advice on how you could elaborate or improve the work you have done. Any idiot can see that you are looking for easy answers. Hmm you probably waited until the last minute. Either way it is childish and immature to lash out because 2/3rds of your responses appropriately told you to do your own homework. You may say lame but that just makes you look like a brat who clearly could use more exposure to the lessons learned from great works such as Hamlet. It isn't even as if you couldn't EASILY find the answers online if you want to cheat the least you can do is do the legwork.......instead of reprinting your homework on here which IS a forum for real questions. Oh and cheating on your homework so that you don't have to use your brain to think is by no means improving your future. It is lazy and you know that, and oooh sorry to break it to you honey but as for me I am still improving my future despite being done with school I still enjoy learning....and I know that soliloquy backward and forward (because I did my own homework). What I also want is you to be educated and thoughtful because we have more than enough ignorant people out there that think hamlet is a way to serve eggs!!!!!!

  2. I would guess you can find the answers here?

    Good luck =]

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