
Macbeth essay help?????

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can someone give a topic for a literary essay about Macbeth that is "outside of the box" I have thought of 4 or 5 topics but there not really thinking outside the box

if you can't think of one outside the box you can just give a topic





  1. I hope this helps.  All of Shakespeare's main characters had a "tragic flaw", something that brought them down, that caused their tragedy.  Romeo was indecision, Macbeth was jealousy.   And now I'm drawing a blank, sorry.  Macbeth "the black Moor", lost everything because of this.  Do you think you could talk to your teacher that you're stuck and could he/she help you a little bit?  That's what teachers are for.  Google it too.  Good luck.  

  2. I don't know what is considered "outside the box" but hopefully this helps a little.

    You could discuss the paradoxes in the play. A paradox is something that seems false but is actually true. For example, the witches tell Macbeth to 'Fear not, till Birnam wood/ Do Come to Dunsinane.' This seems false because a forest obviously cannot move, but it was true because the army (can't remember who is leading them) cut branches off from that forest to take with them to use as camouflage.

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