
Macbeth explores the nature of evil. Is this an adequate summation of the concerns of the play?

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If it isn't an adequate summation can anyone add any details as to what else he explores?




  1. No.

    Go back and read it again. He explores the nature of evil, and much more.

  2. i'm not sure he simpy explores...i think he actually puts on the ol speedo of evilness and dives right in, my friend. i think a better summary of the play is how macbeth battles himself, or the evil in himself. but i think evil is too comic's human nature. take a look at the nightly news and you see folk who believe that killing the person they did was the right choice and not necessarily at all evil. what if duncan was a bad king...what if he molested little boys and was bent on destroying the world...would have macbeth been justified in the murder? in other words, i think your thesis is very flat and needs more details and possibly more reading on the character of macbeth.

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