
Macbook or sony vaio?

by Guest56801  |  earlier

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i'm a student, the main purpose of me buying a laptop is for assignments and internet..

what are the advantages and disadvantages of getting a macbook or vaio?

than you in advance =)




  1. it all depends in what your assignments are.

    Basic stuff:-

    If you're studying creative arts, graphics, movie making etc. then Mac is the way to go. I have a niece she's studying graphic design & photography and Macs are de riguer.

    If it's regular business stuff then Windows (read Vaio) is the way to go.  

    Normally I would say that get a Windows PC they're cheaper. But Vaios are not cheap. So in this case price is not the differentiating factor.

    If you need access to both words then a big advantage intel macs have over any windows PC is the ability to run both Windows and MAC OS on the same PC.  

  2. I think a Windows computer is best for school assignments, but personally I like Macbooks a lot more. I've never tried using a vaio.  
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