
Macedonian bread....keeflee?

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Hello, I had this bread a long time ago and loved it. I have been searching the web to try to find a recipe, and to no avail. Can someone give me a link or a recipe on how to prepare this wonderful bread. Also, I am looking for another recipe, I dont know the name of it. It is pilo with spinach and I think cheese. I think it is made in a cake pan. If anyone can help me, I would be thankful.




  1. It's not only macedonian. It's name is kifla.

    You must told me do you may knead and roll the doudh?

    I know one - it's the best for home cooking.

    yeast-like 1/2 match box, 1 cup of tea milk, 8 sp. sugar,1 egg+1 white of egg,flour ( to soft gough)

    Ferment , eggs. sugar, milk and ~ 600g flour mix well to cake dough . Keep to rise (~1 hour). Then add 1/2 cup of tea vegs oil and start knead to the soft dough.Add flour if need.The ball is separated in 4 parts, after -every in 2 parts. Every 1/8 roll to thin. Then cut in 8 parts again.Put jam(chokolate cream) and nuts.On the top glase with yolk.Bake in oven in 200oC.

  2. Problem is that I'm not good in English.

    Pilo with spinach and cheese has name zelnik, because basic preparation in old time was with zelie(зелје), I can't find in English.

    So you take 1, kg flour, 15 gr fresh yeast, 2 tea spoons salt, very little sugar, 1 little cap for tea oil, add water 1 glass or more depends of flour look warm water and that mix with hands, Divide in 11 prices, on every pieces put margarine, took 6 pices and and don't know in English word for sukalo put that in table, put spinach or zelje, or praz, loboda,what you want.Took 5 pieces and make of them one part, put that up, surfice should be like wives. Put on sun 15 minutes, than put in oven on 170 C 40 minutes.Weat 30 minutes and eat and sorry fro my English.

    I know good recipe for kifli, but oh my English is problem, sorry.

  3. Kifli (IPA: [ˈkifli]) is a traditional Hungarian pastry made by cutting sheets of soft flour dough into triangular wedges, and wrapping those wedges to create a crescent-shaped morsel, which is then baked (permitting the dough to puff). Its name was adopted by a widely popular early nineties pop group.

    The sweeter variant of kifli is a cookie, where the dough often contains vanilla (in which case it can be called a vaníliás kifli), and the wedges are wrapped around a filling of sweetened nuts, usually walnuts "diós kifli", poppy seed "mákos kifli" or pecans, or jam "lekvár" (often plum or apricot), and/or raisins. After baking, they are also lightly sprinkled with confectioner's sugar or cinnamon. Alternatively, they can be dipped into hot chocolate. Hungarian plural: kiflik

    Legend has it that kifli is the progenitor of the croissant (q.v.).

    The name comes from a Turkish word and can be found all over Eastern Europe - with different meanings, albeit. In Romania for instance, the word "chiflă" simply means "(bread) roll".

    Kifli Crescents

    6 cups flour ½ cup sugar 3 sticks butter 2 sticks Imperial Margarine 5 egg yolks 1-teaspoon vanilla ½ pint sour cream Egg wash Confections’ sugar Fillings: Apricot butter or European raspberry or 8 ounce ground walnuts mixed with 2/3 cup sugar and 1/3 cup milk

    In small bowl with egg yolks, stir in vanilla. Add sour cream and mix well. Sift sugar and flour. Cut in butter and margarine. Make a well and add egg mixture to form a dough. Shape into log and divide dough into 8 pieces. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours. (If you refrigerate overnight, let warm the next day at room temperature).

    Roll out pieces like pie dough until 1/8-inch thick. Cut with 3-inch round cookie cutter. As you roll out each piece, add whatever scraps you have to the next piece.

    In center of each round, place 1 teaspoon fruit filling from a pastry bag, or place 1 teaspoon of nut filling. Fold over in half and notch ends with knife to seal the open end. Transfer to parchment-covered baking sheet, and then twist each end with thumbs to form a crescent. Don’t mix pastries with fruit filling and those with nut filling on the same baking sheet because they bake differently. With a pastry brush, brush egg wash (1 egg with 1 tablespoon of milk) across tops.

    Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. For even browning, turn pan and bake 8 to 10 minutes more until golden brown on top and bottom. If you are baking two pans in the oven at a time exchange the pan on the top rack with the pan on the bottom rack halfway through baking. When done, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar.

    Yield: 20 dozen

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