
Machida is an unstoppable force isn't he?

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That dude is so tough and smooth. He has to be my favorite fighter in the UFC by far. Anyone else agree?

Also how important do you think his sumo training was?




  1. he is preety good but no one is unstoppable plus he doe snot have any wins with the A list at 205 plus he mostly just waits out decisions

  2. He's a decision fighter.

    Look at his record, most of his wins are by decision.

  3. No one is unstoppable.

  4. He sucks.  his fights are so boring.  i dont care if people say he is good at running and that is the smart thing to do. he should be cut from the ufc.  that was the one fight of the night that was putting me to sleep.  every time he fights someone the other person is like "F*CKIN DO SOMETHING" just like Caleb Starnes, and he got cut. (caleb was even worse tho)....

    IMO he hasnt fought any of the Top of the line fighters.  i dont think that he will ever hold the belt.  although i think he would walk all over liddell

  5. No, but I'd say there were only a handful of people who could beat him: Wanderlei Silva, Quinton Jackson, probably Forrest, Chuck Liddell, and maybe Shogun.

  6. Unstoppable? He was unstartable. All he did was run the whole night. He should be a marathon runner.

  7. Yes i think he will be an unstoppable force. Not my most favorite fighter but i can't ignore his smart technical gameplan, and i think the best technical fighter in Light heavyweight deivision if not the best in light heavyweight right now. His latest fight with Tito Ortiz could've gone either way but Machida's technique and elusiveness was the deciding factor although a triangle choke almost got him at the end of the 3rd round. Every strike or attack he does is carefully timed and plan, he's not the most exciting but i think he's technicality will bring him places. I would like to see him fight Shogun Rua or Chuck Liddell, and i would assume he's in for a title shot after the Griffin/Rampage bout.

  8. machida was in hostile territory , with all those scumbag

    tito fans the odds were stacked against him , he proved

    he has the samurai spirit and would wipe titos *** if they

    ever fought again, now look for machida to wear some

    gold he so heartly deserves.

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