
Machu Picchu for New Years 2009--What is there to do?

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I am traveling to South America at the end of 2008 and want to ring in the New Year at Machu Picchu (I have a month and a half to spend in Peru (and Chile?) before I head to Brazil for Carnival). I am a 27 year old female traveling alone and would love advice on what to do (especially if you have spent New Year's there) Thanks.




  1. First of all, many famous people go to Cuzco for New Year. During the change of Millenium Brad Pitt & Jeniffer Aniston were there!

    I now that Macchu Picchu is close after 6pm to all tourists, but I don't know if they make an exception during that celebration, that you would have to find out with the local agencies. There is a hotel up there, just outside the entrance door, it's not so fancy but you'll bet it's a bit expensive. The other choice is to stay 10 minutes away in Aguas Calientes and spend the night at the hot springs swimming pool and then go up there at 6am the next morning. Aguas calientes is a small town only for tourists and have many places to stay and to eat. It's connected to Macchu Picchu by train or bus.

    You might catch some rain at the mountains during December - January, so I wouldn't recomend the Inka Trail, but don't worry about Macchu Picchu being crowded, because it's low season.

  2. You can't bring in the New Year at Machu Picchu because the grounds close and the last bus down leaves a little before sundown.  The site is not like Disneyland or anything. There are no lights or rides  and there is a lot of climbing involved if you want to see the whole city.

    In the closest town, Agua Caliente there are hot springs and a lot of little inns and restaurants to try and you can always shop but outside of that there is nothing much.  It is rural area not a city closer than Lima, where you might want to go if you want to party.  Some nice casinos there, not Vegas but OK

  3. You had better check with a travel agent.  Access to Machu Picchu has been limited for the last year or 2 because of all the tourists.. so you need to check and see if you can even visit the site and, if so, if you can visit it at night... which I seriously DOUBT... That ruin is at 14,000 feet or so and it gets REALLY cold there at night and if you ARE there after dark, you won't be hiking down those trails in the dark until the sun comes up.

    You really need to talk to a travel agent that knows Peru... you aren't going to get this kind of local knowledge here on Answers.

  4. I agree with Garrison as its very doubtful if you can go there at night.  I was there when the train tracks flooded out and the only way in was by Russian helicopter for $500 per person.  A very good reason to always have a backup plan when traveling.

  5. It will probably be blocked off.

  6. hi! I´m Lucia, from Russia. Latest 2 years I live in Lima, Peru. I adore tourism, comunication and all foreign people. If you want, write me to , and we will be friends! I will help you with everything during your trip to Peru! Two years ago I came here alone, and there were so many people who helped me, so I will help you and everyone who wants to visit Peru with great pleasure!!!

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