
Machu pichu!?

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i have the urge to visit this place, has any one else it spiritual?




  1. I would say mystical.

  2. I thought it was quite spiritual having been there last August. Make sure you go there before the MASSIVE tourist crowd gets there around 7-8 am. You should be able to go around 5-6am before the crowd and to watch the sunrise. It's quite nice. If you're looking for spirituality, you might want to try and visit Lake Titicaca as well.

  3. For several decades after its re-discovery by Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu was thought to have been built by Inca priests for religious ceremonies.  But more recent excavations and interpretation regard it as having been built as a summer home for one of the Inca.  I can see it as a nice summer home because the views are really gorgeous.  I had seen many pictures of Machu Picchu before I first went there, but no photograph can ever truly capture the 360 degree magnificient panoramic beauty of the setting.  I have returned to visit more times than I can remember (5 or 6 times?) and will certainly visit again.

  4. Hmmm ... I didn't find it exceptionally spiritual.  I thought it was breathtaking and unbelievably gorgeous, though.  There are several places on the site where people have claimed to have attained enlightenment.  There is this one flat stone that Shirley McClain visited and claimed that if you held your hands over it and closed your eyes, you would feel a spiritual presence.  There is also a huge upright stone that you are supposed to stand facing and rest your head against.  I tried both and didn't feel anything, sorry!

    My uncle has this theory that throughout history there have been these places of extreme energy.  Egypt during the construction of the great pyramids was one and some say that during the height of Incan rule, Machu Picchu was one.  My theory, though, is that these places reach their maximum and then begin to wane and new sites of energy (or spirituality) crop up.  Just a theory, but I think that Machu Picchu's time has passed.  It's still well worth visiting though!

  5. I thought it was.  But, I hiked there.  Spending a couple of nights and days visiting some other ruins and seeing the landscape helped.  And, the Inca civilization interested me .  I like to travel and try to understand the people of the world and where they came from.

    Most tourists just take the train to the town nearby and then the buses to the site.  Thousands of them arrive about the same time in the morning.  But, I think you can still enjoy it.  Try to get there erly and find a quite place to sit and take it all in.
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