
Macrobiotic Diet just some questions?

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I was wondering about the diet and the "eat local foods" thing the diet talks about. I live in PA so would it be ok for me to eat tropic foods too? or only foods in the area? also how do you feel (if your on a macrobiotic diet) change in weight? energy level? any muscle loss?




  1. Invented by George Ohsawa, the macrobiotic diet is just one of a vast number of fad diets that have no scientific backing to recommend them. Their followers usually follow them for reasons pretty much like the reasons that religious people follow their religions. See

  2. Macrobiotic diet is basically, eat local foods, eat foods that are in season.  That's about it.

    Yes, you can have an all-year-round garden.  I'm in Canada, and you can have a garden all winter.

    Of course natural, organic, etc. are additional details.  Eating naturally and locally and with the seasons is the way we all used to eat at one time, there was no other way.  Until the steam engine came along.

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