
Macrocosm of SA, Yahoo Answers:?

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How much of cut-away section of South Africa is Yahoo Answers SA? How much do you think we represent the differing views and opinions current in SA? Into which camps do you place the regulars?




  1. Cakes said it all.

  2. If you want to see a true reflexion of the macrocosm of South Africa just go into any public toilet in the country and all will be revealed.

  3. We are not a true representation of the SA population. We are just a privileged few using and abusing access to internet.

    BTW. Seems knives out for Cakes. Any appearance of her avatar and/or mention of her name earns one a TD.

  4. We have a very small group of regulars and within the small group you find all of the views which we have in the country. I do not want to place people in certain groups because I respect the views of each person. Many will call me a 'draad sitter' but my personal believes is 'live and let live.

  5. We do have more "overview" of the country, as we have access to easy and free-speech media.  We do not represent the majority, but we do represent the countries carers.

  6. No names mentioned. We represent only that part of the population that has access to the Internet.  The rest have no voice here, sadly.

  7. Cakes said what i thought. so she get my thumbs-up

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