
Macs Vs PC? it's been a WAR?

by  |  earlier

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do you prefer mac or Pc

explain why and what brands

Don't make your story based on the brand You own just because you own it.

My opinion is MAC is Quality

PC is Affordable

in public schools

Pc is they computer you see everywhere in school

but for High end Computer classes you use MACS, WHY?




  1. because is easy for use who care apple and mac both suck **** so pc is better and mac is for noobs like my stupid classmates all they know is to listened to music in they are so pathetic  

  2. All the schools I have ever gone to always had Macs not PC's. I have never been a fan of Mac and I don't like the way Windows is so vulnerable to attacks. I prefer Linux.

  3. it all starts ... for money. bill gates its been said that used 50% of the source from the os software to build his. for the record os is open source and windows are locked. so the people that have windows are happy bc it is easy to use but the same time are going mad bc nothing works right and also every virus that exists is for windows. mac are hard to learn but are for more "hi tech" people. these people knows why they are using mac and the know that have limited options. windows are for students gamers mostly. mac is for something easy use word, get online play 1-2 games or expend the software for those that know. besides that more people using windows bc it's been advertised well. i read an article that bill gates was sued from europe bc he was paid with the right people ..but as i said everything starts ... for money .

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