
Mad or angry answers only?

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Global warming is one of the biggest lies, next to evolution




  1. Evolution is as close to a fact as there is in science.  It is understood by all those who are willing to look at the evidence and make a reasonable conclusion.   Global warming is a term to describe a phenomena that is mostly natural and with consequences that are greatly exaggerated.  There is no similarity at all.

  2. Jim Z your answer was not angry enough. lol

  3. I'm a skeptic about people causing most global warming (AGW) and even I can't get behind your statement. The fact was that the Earth was getting warm until it peaked in 1998. It may begin to get warm again but I think our contribution to that warming is greatly overstated. CO2 is so weak as a greenhouse gas GHG) that all other GHG are compared to it with some being as much as 20,000 more potent for warming. We're also just regaining temp losses suffered during the Little Ice Age so there is very little to be alarmist about but I don't consider global warming to be a lie.

    As to evolution, there's a separate area for that but again, I don't consider those who believe in it to be liars any more than I believe creationists are liars. They're both empirically unprovable right now and for the forseeable future. Show me an animal that has evolved legs or eyes in a single generation and I'll believe in evolution.

  4. ****** globel warming is ***** *** **** real

  5. Sorry, i can only address this question in the tone "mocking" "angry" not found. Your stipulation is far too hilarious.

    Read a real book dum-dum.

  6. How can I get mad or angry about someone saying that.

    I want to see Be Stein's Movie about Teachers and professors that dare to speak against evolution it sounds like a good one.

  7. Sir they are both proven facts don't you notice the summers are hotter and the winters are cooler and the oceans are getting higher

    *its gonna be sad for small kids when they find out that the north pole melted because santa will be drowned*=(

  8. i cant do mad or angry either, i'm too stunned.

    how about gobsmacked at your ignorance?

  9. May God Bless You.

  10. The stories that you see in the popular press are misleading at best.

    the popular press has become primarily a medium of entertainment because that is what is most profitable.

    the rush Limbaugh show is an excellent example of a show that is for the purposes of entertainment and has made a great deal of money because the purpose of the show is entertainment and not accurate information.

    The result is a great deal of misinformation to gullible people based on entertainment from the Rush Limbaugh show that many gullible people believe is actual fact.

    You will not find solid fact based reporting in the popular media.

    for solid fact based information you need to go to the professional peer reviewed scientific media.

    the best place to start is the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Shange) reports.

    If you will stop relying on the popular media and instead rely on the professional peer reviewed scientific literature you will be much more knowledgable on the subject of Global Warming and Climate Change.

  11. Sorry i don't agree with that

  12. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...    muppet, you single handedly destroyed the planet and now a population of 6 billion is evolving tenticles to tear your little brain apart!

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