
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa questions?

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Will you see it in regular or IMAX?

Did you see the first one?

Do you want to see this one as an early screening?

Do you want to see it at all?

Will you see it more than once?

Will you get it on DVD or Blu-Ray?

Will you think that it will be better than the first?

On a scale of 1-10, how anticipated are you for Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa?




  1. IMAX is pointless for this movie -- so no.

    yes i saw the first one.

    I'll see this one sometime its opening weekend, not an early screening..

    Yes I want to see it.

    I don't know if I will see it more than once until I see it.

    Neither. I don't think I will buy it. (Unless it's as good as Kung FU

    Panda was.)

    No i do not.


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