
Made a Right-Turn and then a U-Turn Right After?

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I made a right-turn at the far most right lane following the sign I I saw "no turn on red" When I turned it was GREEN. After the turn I made a U-Turn right after and I was fined for making a illegal U-Turn (Because the street I turned into has the sign posted) But I didn't have enough time to see it since I made a quick right then very quick U-Turn. Can I explain in court that there was no possible time of reaction for me to know that the U-Turn was there and a Car was about coming towards me a whole block away? The intersection is between John Daly Blvd, Daly City, CA and Sheffield Dr where I made the U-Turn (Did not go pass N Mayfair Ave).,+daly+city,+ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=28.943777,59.765625&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=37.704069,-122.47551&ll=37.704951,-122.475328&spn=0.001761,0.003648&z=18&cbp=1,0,,0,5




  1. It's probably better to say nothing and just accept the fine. Driving too fast in an illegal maneuvre doesn't sound like a strong defense to me!

  2. cops almost always win because they r pigs... just got a ticket myself... cop said i was going 94... i wasnt even near 80... cops r stupid and pigs

  3. Nope, if the sign is posted they probably don't care.

  4. pay your fine and read your DMV manual for a law refresher.

  5. Maybe you crossed double double yellow lines, which signify a solid median over which it is illegal to drive in California.

  6. There's no explaination you can give.

    What do you mean there was 'no time' to see the sign? Were you driving so fast you couldn't look or knew you were about to make an illegal U-turn and were looking for the police? Were you driving in an unsafe manner, to beat the on coming traffic that had the right of way?

    Your going to pay for this one, make sure you take your checkbook with you.

  7. ^-- Correct, and also in Massachusetts.  I think the double-yellow-line law is the same throughout the country.

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