
Made up or natural, which one?

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is it easier to flirt with a girl wearing a ton of make up, fake lashes, extensions or a girl that is au natural beauty (no make up and looks flawless). what impression do you get from both types and does this influence how you will treat that woman? If i go to the club with no make up on ( i dont need it), and dressed s**y but classy i dont get approached as much as when i put on fake lashes, green contacts, and put on eye make up. i look virtually the same just a lil obviously faker with the eyelashes and whatnot. Why are men attracted to fake looking woman plastic b0obs, make up, colored contacts, fake tan? I think its a turn off if you are that insecure you need to be un-natural.




  1. I don't know from the male perspective, but I'll take a guess...I would tend to think it'd be easier to talk to a gal without all the makeup and to-do, simply for the reason maybe she's more "down to earth"...Then again, from your observation, the guys may be more attracted to the "flashy" girls, knowing they are trying to look extra good to grab a man's attention, to begin with.  - Most animals have rituals to attract the opposite s*x, "bright & beautiful" being a predominant one.

    Either way, knowing who YOU are, is the most attractive asset for anyone, IMO. (Being yourself.) - The "right" guy will notice you. ;)

  2. My guess is you are approached more with the fake eyelashes, etc. because you are sending the signal you are there to meet people because you are drawing attention to yourself by being all made up.

  3. you have indicated two extremes here, one being the full-blown OTT fake look and the other completely bare and plain look.

    I see nothing wrong with makeup but in proportion, girls with additional bits stuck to their hair and fake tan etc look ridiculous; like they are trying too hard.

    I find that this applies to men too, I am not attracted to men who clearly spend way too much time doing themselves up, it's a complete turn-off compared to the men who look neat and smart without the added fuss.

    That's just my opinion it's obviously not a 'right' or 'wrong' answer

  4. Well if your going to a nightclub everyone usually dresses up.

    So there is a difference between looking natural and making an effort.

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