
Madelaine case ? If murat has successfully cleared his name ......?

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where does this leave the 'tapas 7 8 or 9 who called him a liar ??? if i remember right, john stalker reckoned the tapas group were hiding something ? and eventually it would come out ...whatever it was ?




  1. please stop i cant listen to this S**t again!

  2. OH MY GOD

    MW just put McCanns and suspects in the same sentence.

    Wonders never cease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hopefully the truth will eventually come out. Murat has behaved with dignity throughout it all and cooperated fully with the police. The same can't be said for the Mc's and their cronies.. The Police have said that it was impossible for an abduction based on the never-ending inconsistencies of the Mc's and their cronies... However what is revealed and what is concealed remains to be seen but I could make a good guess.....

  4. Unless Ive missed the point  its known lies the judgements on so far  but as cases never close  those who live the longest know most

  5. this is the weirdest case in history, i must say!

    everyone that was accused is innocent, then who the h**l did do Madeline in???

    is it the case now that the police, including our Scotland yard, and the investigative media journalists are all totally incompetent altogether ??

    So we cannot believe the media nor the police, then who can we believe?

    For heaven's sake whatever happened to that little girl??

    has the murderer, because i don't think she can be alive now; gone scot free forever and laughing his head off at all this drama while millions are being paid in compensation to various claimants??

  6. Robert Murat has not cleared his name. He is with the McCanns  a suspect in the case.Neither have officially been cleared by the Portuguese police, so the saga continues. Why the thumbs down. Don't you like the truth

    Paul C Yes I do tell the truth even thought it hurts. Pity some of the antis don't do the same ( Can you put your user name the right way up so I can at least read it without having to tip my monitor upside down)

  7. The Tapas 7 and the British press were equally liable for the slurs against Robert Murat. I have reached the same conclusion: the Tapas 7 know more about what happened to Madeleine than anyone but have closed ranks, something that medics in the UK are well known for.

  8. Just because Murat has been cleared by the justice system doesnt mean that the tapas 9 have.  They may still feel that he is somehow involved.  It is the justice system that has cleared him.  It is the tabloids that he has sued - successfully - that is paying him half a million pounds in compensation.

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