
Madeleine's family back in Britain?

by  |  earlier

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do you think these people should have done this months ago, when the little one went missing,if it was me i would have wanted to be home as soon as pos, with my friends and family around me every day, but no these people have went round the world, then been named as suspects and all of a sudden they are home..............................




  1. Why have you placed this question in royalty?Innocent till proven guilty.

  2. You will be able to read the reason, when they sell their story to a Sunday Newspaper, or publish their book.

  3. They may now be famous, but they are NOT royalty!!!!!

  4. Staying in Portugal was a way for the McCanns to avoid facing the reality that their little girl was gone.  Coming home to the house that Madeleine lived in with them must have been hugely depressing for them and fleeing Portugal doesn't look good in the eyes of the world.

  5. Didn't you know?   They are coming back for the twins sake.  Yeh righhhhht!  From the disappearance of Maddie, those twins were put in a creche with strangers whilst Gerry and Kate embarked on their world wide tour.  They are coming back here to try and escape justice - they won't.  Extradition is fast and easy in EEC member countries. The British police are working with the Portuguese authorities and I suspect, most of their family and working colleagues have been interviewed to try and get to the bottom of the real McCanns rather than the showbiz version we have seen.

  6. Gerard K, I doubt it, the anti McCann haters  have no shame

  7. I would never leave a place my daughter was missing in, the thought of coming home and leaving here there is just unbelievable


  8. kick them back out "we aint coming home without maddie" now there suspects what happened someones scared or lying they supposed 2 have funds 2 stay until they bring maddie home ,sure give up quick dont THEY

  9. It sounds like you are,  they went around the world to raise awareness if they came back to Britain right away then Maddie would have been another kid who went missing in Portugal,  just a stastistic another number on the charts.

  10. It is a bit funny !

    However i can see if you are a suspect you would want to be where you felt most comftable and near to family and freinds.

    If they did not take madeleine then i feel very sorry for them as it is stiring up more stories howoever i do think they should be investigated

  11. if it was me i woudlve flown to the moon if i thought it'd get my daughter back.  i dont understand your point of view ace mum.

  12. All those who are bad mouthing the Mc Canns will hold their heads in shame when the truth comes out..

  13. Not sure about ACE MUM, more like Call Social Service Mum!

    What a daft question...

  14. Kate and Gerry have done nothing wrong they did not want to leave until Maddie was found. They have been to h**l and back and have suffered enough the police were using a bluff to get a confession.  Now you can all give me the thumb's down.

  15. I think you got the catergory wrong unless i'm missing something!

  16. How can you go home when u're daughter is lost in a foreign country? Anyway, i don't think she's mother has something to do with it..

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