
Madeleine Investigation closed-is this the right thing to do?

by Guest60909  |  earlier

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what do you think.




  1. All this   and those stupid Police in Portugal have not done a d**n thing right. As I have said before they messed about and let hours go by before they started looking, and when they did it was so half hearted it was pathetic... b.......fools  she had already gone out of the Country. Lets face it , the whole thing was very clever, and the people behind it had it all planned like an exercise otherwise some clues would have been left. They had a window to do it knowing full well that the Mcanns would go for Dinner, and then they made their move. Anyone with a grain of sense could work that one out, but those thick coppers would not know a child if they saw one. Hopeless from the start.  Yes the Mcanns made a mistake but ... have you never made one... we all have at some point in our lives... but my wish is that someday she will be found... and put all these speculations about the Parents back in its right box.

  2. It is shelved until or if further information comes to light. The PJ have taken this step. They are the investigating officers and judiciary in this case, so they have taken it as far as they can at present.

    They dont obviously feel the need to look any further.

  3. So they got away with it ! What about the Funds ? Were they

    not collected to aid  the Investigation ?

    If accidental death is caused, the Police still prosecute ?

    So as,Child Neglect is prominent  in this case, prosecution

    should still apply. ?

  4. It's quite clear that the PJ have exhausted all lines of enquiry and have done all they can to find Madeleine despite the obstacles put in their path.    The case will never be completely closed, they will always investigate any new evidence.

    If Madeleine's parents and their friends ever changed their minds and decided to do the reconstruction then I'm sure the PJ would be delighted and would carry on their active investigation.  If the McCanns decided to answer the questions put to them it would give the PJ something to work with.  It's not really feasible to continue pouring Portugese taxpayers money into an investigation to benefit a couple of foreigners who are being completely obstructive and unhelpful.  I suppose the Portugese point of view must be that if the McCanns don't want to help the PJ find Madeleine then why should they.

    But as things stand,  the PJ appear to have a good idea what happened to Madeleine, but just don't have enough conclusive evidence to lay charges.

  5. over 12 months ago for gods sake !!!  how many people have died since these reckless people lost their daughter

  6. It is disgusting that they have closed it.

  7. They have no option with nothing to go on and the parents being the only people around this missing child that refused to answer police questions or cooperate with a re enactment!!!!

    Even strangers did not do that!!!

  8. Although it's sad when it happens, the fact remains that investigations cannot be kept open for ever and eventually become cold cases.

    It is too late now to correct the crass errors of the PJ at the start of this case but they are not the only ones at fault here.  The contradictory evidence of Jane Tanner and the refusal of the McCanns to answer a lot of questions together with their apparent   control of the British Press has been as much a disaster as the bumbling investigatory talents of the PJ.  The real victims of this mess, as far as I can see, are poor Madeleine, herself, and Robert Murat whose life was virtually destroyed.

  9. Yes.  The police investigation has run into the sand and they have no leads.  Unless new evidence turns up there's nothing much more they can achieve.

  10. No. It's like a crime has been committed and they can't find the criminal so they've just given up. I wonder how often this happens to ordinary Portuguese people who aren't rich or well known. Bad police force I think.

  11. it's been going on for way too long theyd just be drawing out pain for leaving it any longer its pretty obivous that she's dead i'm pretty sure it was the mother but then thats just my opinion and even if it wasnt they are the worst parents ever for going out and leaving a 3 year old and two 1 year olds alone for the evening i don't blame the father the mother just looks evil i can't put my finger on it they even put theyre children to sleep with pills when they wouldnt be quiet it's pretty clear that it's their fault she's only famous because she's english with blonde hair and her parents are rich unfortunately cases like this happen all the time without being solved i feel bad for her but she's not the only one and its been going on too long

  12. no some one somwhere must know where she is or who has her the police shouldnt give up and why suspect the parents ok she shouldnt have been left alone but that didnt give the person or persons to go in to that apartment and take her

  13. definitely

  14. Hundreds of children go missing every year, we can't afford to have every single case followed for over a year.  I personally think this a good thing for the parents, as it means they won't be locked up for their (potential) part in the potential murder.

  15. I think they shall have to be. Always be looking over their shoulder-------Its not over----------just sleeping for a while.

    Dont forget, they could still be charged with negect.

    ITS POSSIBLE. Never say never.

  16. They have done all they can considering the blatant hindrance and cover-up from the Mc's their cronies and higher powers. The case is not closed but shelved unless further evidence comes to light. But the questions won't cease to be asked and they will go on and on until justice is served for the forgotten abandoned one, Madeleine.

  17. No they should keep looking. Its a shame that they are ending it.

  18. no

  19. No, I think a different team should be brought in to review all aspects of the case and ask the questions why major mistakes happened.

  20. Hmm charged with neglect - that could be a possiblility.

    And yes it will cost them this investigation could costs thousands - millions to deal with finding M.

  21. no they should keep  it going  because its not good to give up and she has been missing a year they could  as least keep it going for a bit im not happy its beeen closed up  

    bad thing to do

  22. The case is not closed it has been shelved , until some new evidence comes to light and then it will be reactivated.

    The decision to do this was quiet right when you consider it was Portuguese tax payers money that was being wasted when the maccanns done nothing but obstruct the investigation from day one

  23. I don't think it is right to close the investigation, but it's right to take the arguido status away from their parents, who i think have been through enough.

  24. no , you never know if she still alive and plus if she's died they should find the body :( HOW CAN THEY STOP!)

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