
Madeliene McCann?

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Did they ever find her ? What's the true story anyways ? And did the person who kidnapped her really cut her hair off to make her look like a guy ?




  1. No, they have not found her.  No one really knows the true story yet.  They aren't even 100% sure if there was ever a kidnapping.  Its probably gonna be just like Jon Benet Ramsey.  No one will ever truly know what happened.

  2. wtf? nah they havent found her it was on the news today about how the police are closing her case

  3. They have never found her that I know of. I can't imagine her parents that are both doctors being so selfish as to go out to dinner in a foreign city and leave the children in a hotel room. That is really sick. That little girl probably ventured out into the hallway calling for them. I hope they enjoy that dinner and wine.

  4. I feel we will never know the truth about this case! As a parent myself, i struggle to comprehend the parents actions and simply do not believe their story - but that is only my opinion - however, I only hope it is a true story and that this little girl is safe and well somewhere and she is being looked after! I do fear the worse for madeliene and at a minimum the parents are guilty of child neglect!
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