
Madonna has turned 50. Does her success prove that we are not living in an age-ist or sexist society ...?

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... as some feminasty women would have us believe?

She is 50, female and on top of her game. Someone here yesterday said Madonna is the victim of sexist age-ism.

How is this so if Madonna is spectacularly successful, on top of her game as a female at 50??





  1. No, it proves she is an amazing person with a lot of talent.

  2. Way back in 1985, I correctly predicted Madonna will "still be around in 20 years, but Cyndi Lauper won't." In 1990, I predicted Mariah Carey would be around a long time.

    When I saw the Rolling Stones in concert back in 1989, it was under the impression that since they are in their late 40's and early 50's, they will probably hang it up pretty soon. That was almost 20 years ago. I'll bet they make it to their 50th anniversary as a band in 2012.

  3. Madonna exercises, eats right, and probably has had a bit of

    plastic surgery here and there, as no way on Earth is she a

    fifty year old bodied woman. She would not be popular if she

    did look her age. Or "act her age".

    I am not a fan of hers. But she is still doing whatever she did,

    and as long as she can keep that up, she'll sell.

  4. No, when Janet Jackson turns 50 I guarantee you she will not get the same media coverage Madonna is getting.

    EDIT: I'm not a feminist John, just a realist but it might be all the same to you.

  5. Have you heard of Nefrotite, Aphrodite, Cleopatra, Codalezza Rice, Helen Clark, Benazir Bhutto, Catherine Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Martha Carey Thomas, Barbara Walters and the list goes on. Some of these women are older than Madonna, and many are just coming through. What age-ist, sexist society?  

  6. She is told to stop flaunting her sexuality because of her age. When men turn 50, they are rarely portrayed as "out of date."

  7. To be honest, I don't think she is nearly as popular or successful as she was in the late 1980s. It doesn't have nearly as much to do with her age as many people think. Her image and the type of music she does is dated and mainly appeals to people in their 30s and 40s. She has not been nearly as successful in attracting younger fans and those who were already adults in the 1980s never liked her to begin with. I still say she never would have made it without MTV.

  8. Come on.

    Does she look fifty?

    If anything, it proves it even more.

  9. It's in their nature to whine and feel like a victim.  Nothing you can do about it.  

  10. If Madonna looked like your typical 50 year old women things would be different.

    But, yeah, good for her.  

  11. No. The only thing her longevity in show business proves: she is a brilliant businesswoman and a chameleon, able to manipulate her own public image to keep people interested in what she has to say. Don't read anything else in her success, public and men in her life did not do her any favors at all. She worked her behind off for every little thing she's got. There is only a few ladies in this world like her, and they are still rare exceptions to the rule.

  12. I can't imagine the public having a prolonged interest in her as they have with the rolling stones who are nearing 70.  neil diamond at 71 just gave a sold out concert in new york.  i just don't see madonna holding on for much longer.  she's not believable as a s*x symbol which was part of her "schtick."  

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