
Madonna`s interest in Judaism an <span title="abomination????????????????">abomination??????????????...</span>

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Orthodox Jews have called Madonna`s interest in the faith an abomination.

Is it and is she merely a covert spokeswoman for the PLO?

Can one really convert to become a Jew or is it a tribal thing dating back centuries?

When in New York I was privy to the situation of a Jewish girl marrying a non-Jew who converted. The mother is an Israeli who cuddles the kids and calls them `mamele`. Pretty funny when one of the kids is called `Reilly`.

It`s all got pretty mixed up. What with the current trends toward multiculturalism, orthodox Jewry doesn`t stand a chance and slippery slugs like Madonna merely reflect the slide toward Jewish obsolescence.




  1. take it easy now ........ and I think its a tribal thing ....... and also belief that they are kings and every one else on earth is dirt and beneath their feet ........ man oh man are they going to be surprised when the truth finely comes out ....... and remember they are only one tribe of 12.....

    and poor little old Madonna ..... now...... she is just trying to clean up her life.

  2. Well, in all fairness, it sounds like you&#039;re leaning towards a stance against racial pollution.  So a Jew marries a Non-Jew or a convert.  So what?  That is thier business, really.  As long as those two love each other and take care of their children to the best of their ability, it&#039;s no one&#039;s business what they do.  What G-d has brought together.....and your using Madonna as an example, well, that&#039;s just too easy.  I have hearn Madonna expalin her reasons for interest in Kaballah and Judaism.  According to Jewish Law and Rabbis, one can not dabble in Judaism, you&#039;re either all in, or nothing.  So, it would have to be that she dedicated herself to the study of Judaism, and had a Rabbi to verify her progress.  I will admit the red string theory seems a bit like a marketing ploy, but what ever helps people to sleep at night, you know.  I believe that an interest in Judaism for Gentiles, is a good thing.  It is a sign of open mindedness and acceptance and desire to understand that which we are not familiar with.  Jesus was  jew, so what is wrong with finding out what HE did as opposed to what a bunch of people wrote about Him, and what THEY think people should do.  Let&#039;s face it, celebs change their hair, clothes, styles and minds faster than we can keep up with them.  I applaud Madonna for going about this spiritual journey, in what I think is the right way.  She has Rabbi giudance, and she&#039;s not an ignorant person.  I&#039;m not saying that everything she has ever done is okay with me, certainly not, but she is not afraid to seek answers to her questions.  Perhaps for her, Judaism and Kabbalah provide answers that Catholicicms can&#039;t.  Jesus studied Kabbalah and was a Rabbi, so maybe studying what He studied will make one a better follower of Christ.

  3. where ever there is hatred  insecurity insanity barbarism! or just plain unbelievable stupidity ,you&#039;ll find religion of one kind or another sitting there clutching the collection plate to its chest and scowling.

  4. Yeah she used to wear a kabulah red string on her wrist (I&#039;m not sure if that&#039;s the right name for it.)But I think it was like a trend thing Paris Hilton and other celebrity&#039;s woar it.

  5. You can convert to Judaism. It&#039;s complicated and rabbis often try to dissuade would-be converts, but it is possible. Once concerted, you&#039;re considered fully Jewish.

    Madonna certainly hasn&#039;t converted to Judaism though. All of those people in Hollywood who have any interest in the kabbalah are just interested in an esoteric aspect of Judaism rather than becoming fully Jewish. Some (particularly more traditional) members of the Orthodoxy have problems with it.

    I don&#039;t think there is any slide towards &quot;Jewish obsolescence.&quot;  Just look at Reform Judaism in the US!

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