
Magazine idea?

by  |  earlier

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Basically I am making a magazine on the issues of the world. I would really wish to make it like a real magazine. The problem is I don't know what to add in it. I have added a feature article, documentary reviews, statistics, word scramble. What else can I add? I don't want the viewers to get bored at the same time get serious on the issues. Please help! Any ideas?




  1. To make a real magazine. it's going to take money and connections. One of my career aspirations is to create a fashion magazine like Vogue (of course I don't know if it could ever be that successful). I am going to study journalism for this, so I will have a knowledge of the publishing business. You can't really start off with nothing. Consider taking at least a course in journalism and marketing. Anyways, your magazine would hopefully be filled with adds. However, you need to have it good to get these adds in the first place. I would go to the amnesty international website and get inspired from there. You will for sure get some ideas. You can pretty much only add tips for people to get involved and more articles on issues. Good luck!

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