
Magazine subscription prices?

by  |  earlier

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I recently subscribed to playboy magazine for one year at a rate of $15.96. now after ordering directly from i decided to google playboy subscriptions and there are offers from hundreds of other websites like etc... at different rates 1 year $29.96 or 1 year $10.94 **** like that. my question is how can one place offer you a subscription to a magazine for a cheaper price than the company that makes the magazine????




  1. WELL. The company that makes and prints the Playboy magazines sell it to other companies. Those companies can then sell it to the public through subscriptions or to corner stores, book stores, etc. The price depends on how much the middleman bought the magazines for. He needs a profit too.  Usually buying from the site is the cheapest route because there's no middleman looking for his paycheque. You're ordering directly from the maker. But in your case, Playboy wants to make a bigger profit and the other companies may have a cheap deal with Playboy.

  2. Number # 1 is correct for best answer. One copy of Playboy is 5.99 dollars      (magazine), so everybody is making money.

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