
Maggots!??! EW?

by  |  earlier

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I accidently threw away a check in the trash. the trash was outside ovrenight before i realized it. so i took the trash in the kitchen, put it over another trashbag spread on the floor and began digging for the check. within 2 min. i realized there were maggots crawling at the bottom of the bag and immediatly stoppped my search. i threw the bag back outside in the garbage can. however, i found two maggots crawling on the surface of the white bag i spread on the floor. im pretty sure this was all that came out... but i dont know! i dont want my house to be infected with these nasty things... how do i be sure? is something i can spray to kill any possible maggots that may have crawled under cabinets/the stove?? i dont like bugs at all! i totally freaked when i saw them and i dont wanna see them again!!!




  1. I think you must have had something in the bag that was not wrapped up, that flies could get at and they laid their "eggs" inside it, the things i am talking about are such things like food stuffs, that has rotted, so as long as you killed the maggots then you should not have any more problems, also i would always check just what you are putting into you rubbish bag and and kind of food stuff, from cabbage leaves or dare i say any kind of meat you should always place in side a smaller bag before putting it into your rubbish bag, or if you can and you have need for compost then put all that type of stuff into a different container and let it rot down into compost and keep that outside some where off the ground and closed so flies can't get into it.

  2. I hope that you found the cheque!

    Now wash the floor with bleach and next time if there is  a next time , and I hope not ! do this sort of dirty work outside the house will you !

  3. Try spraying a bit of ant and roach spray in the area- It is toxic for alll insects, but ok humans to breathe....Good luck!
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